You will need to create a page that displays your images. This Answer will show you how to add an Image list frame and configure it.
For all of the videos pertaining to the Advanced Gallery, go here
The only required frame you will need on your page to properly display the images from your Advanced Gallery is the "image list" frame.
Other frames are optional and recommended.(see details here)
This is the frame that will actually display your images. Once you add this frame to your page you can configure the frame to show your images.
we will go over the frame settings now. For information on changing the layout of your images (not changed in the frame settings) you can view this answer.
See sceenshot:
Module: If you have more then one Advanced Gallery, you would specify in this area which module you are wanting to use on this page.
View Mode: This option when selected will alter the other options on this page. There are two view modes. "Tiles" and "Tables". (below are the options shown when "Tiles" is selected)
Here is what a page would look like with a Category Drop down, a search panel and an item list frame set to "Tiles":