There are a few ways to ship internationally on your site. This Answer will go over how to setup some standard international shipping Conditions & methods. To see how to setup Bongo to ship internationally please click here for a quick video or Here to see written instructions and more help relating to Bongo.
When setting up International shipping conditions and methods you will need to define where in the world you are shipping. You can do this by creating a "zone" for the places you wish to ship to.
Go to > Shipping Zones
Next choose the countries you wish to ship to and click the "add item" button to add it to the list on the left. All of the countries in that list will be countries that you can ship to. Once they are all added you can click "add" to create the new zone for international shipping. (in this example we are going to add Spain, and we are going to name this zone Spain so it is easy to identify later)
See screenshot:
Now that you have your destinations selected and your zone created you will now need to create a shipping condition that will use that new zone.
Go to > Shipping Conditions/Methods
and click on "add Condition".
Then you will want to name your condition relevant to where you are shipping so that it is easy to create Methods for it.
see screenshot:
Here is a breakdown of the Condtion Settings
Once you click "save" it will take you back to the main Shipping Conditions/Methods screen. Now you will need to determine what Shipper you wish to use for shipping internationally. This is done by adding shipping methods.
Click on "add method" and choose the Condition you just created and then Choose what shipper you wish to use (UPS, Fedex, USPS, DHL, Freightquote) then click "add".
see screenshot:
The next screen will allow you to choose how this shipper will ship. Be sure to pick a method that IS international. For UPS the methods available are worldwide express, worldwide expidited & worldwide express plus.
See screenshot: