/Site Specific Help/E-Commerce How to's;/Site Specific Help/Ad Module How To's;/Site Specific Help/Membership Module How To's;/Site Specific Help/Blog How To's;/Advanced Users;/Site Specific Help/Membership Module How To's/Membership Mass Mailing Feature How To's

/Site Specific Help/E-Commerce How to's;/Site Specific Help/Ad Module How To's;/Site Specific Help/Membership Module How To's;/Site Specific Help/Blog How To's;/Advanced Users;/Site Specific Help/Membership Module How To's/Membership Mass Mailing Feature How To's

You can customize the notifications the system sends for each module.


This Answer will discuss:


To access the area where you can customize your notifications you will need to go to the membership module that corresponds with the module you wish to customize.  For example, if you want to update your blog notifications you will need to go to the "Mailer" area that connects to your blog module. Like this: YourDomain.com > Modules > Membership: Blog (mX) > Mailer

Once you are in the "Mailer" area, you will need to click on the "topics" area next to the "System messages" for the module your are looking to customize.

Once you have clicked on "topics" you will be able to edit any of the individual notifications that go out automatically.


See the lists below to see the variables available for each module.



%blogName% - The name of your blog module.
%postTitle% - The title of your post.
%postContent% - The text of your post or an excerpt from it.
%postLink% - The link to your post on the site.
%postAuthorName% - The name of the post author.
%postAuthorEmail% - The email of the post author.
%commentContent% - The text of comment.
%commentAuthorName% - The name of the comment author.
%commentAuthorEmail% - The email of the comment author.
%commentRating% - The rating of the comment.
%commentExtraFields% - The values of extra fields of the comment.
%unsubscribeLink% - The link to Subscriptions page allowing recipients to opt out.



Membership system messages:

%memberLabel% - the value of "Member Label (Singular)" on General Settings.
%memberGroup% - The name of the Group the member is a part of
%memberName% - The name entered in the "Name" field of the members profile
%memberEmail% - The email entered in the "E-mail" field of the members profile
%memberPassword% -  The "password" entered in the "Password" field of the members profile
%memberValidThru% - The expiration date of the member (if set)
%memberPaymentAmount% - This will show the membership price if you have that set
%memberPackageName% - This will show the sign up package name (that is specified in the "sign up packages" area)
%memberXXXXX% - any other fields, XXXXX is the title of the field with spaces removed, case-sensitive.
%memberSignupInfo% - the list of all fields
%memberSignupInfoNoPassword% - the list of all fields excluding the password
%companyName% - taken from "Site Template and Settings -> Company Name"
%companyUrl% - site address with http://...
%companyEmail% - taken from "Membership -> General Settings -> Notification Email"

%memberNumber% - this will show the identification number assigned to the member when they sign up.

Ad module system messages - same as above (taken from the ad owner's account) plus:

%adLabel% - the value of "Ad Label (Singular)" on General Settings.
%adCode% - This will show the value in the "code" field
%adValidThru% - This will show the Expiration of the AD
%adPaymentAmount% - This will show the price
%adPackageName% - This will show the name of the package
%adXXXXX% - any other fields, XXXXX is the title of the field with spaces removed, case-sensitive.
%adInfo% - all the fields
%adInfoNoPayment% - all the fields excluding ValidThru and PackageName


You can define special template variables in the Email Subject setting: http://prntscr.com/9nlhg0
It supports four template variables:


ECommerce System messages:


%store_url% -  This will show the Website URL
%number% - This will show the Order Number
%status% - This will show the Order Status
%date% - This will show the Order Date
%buyer_name% - This will show the Buyers name


If you have any questions please feel free to contact support