/Site Specific Help/E-Commerce How to's;/Site Specific Help/Membership Module How To's;/Site Specific Help/E-Commerce How to's/Customize your Shopping Cart;/Site Specific Help;/Site Specific Help/Membership Module How To's/Membership Mass Mailing Feature How To's

/Site Specific Help/E-Commerce How to's;/Site Specific Help/Membership Module How To's;/Site Specific Help/E-Commerce How to's/Customize your Shopping Cart;/Site Specific Help;/Site Specific Help/Membership Module How To's/Membership Mass Mailing Feature How To's

Increase the conversions by offering a discount for those that have abandoned cart!  Targeted Re-Marketing can really increase sales and decrease abandoned carts.  Sometimes just a simple message letting people know they forgot to finish the checkout process is all that is needed. 


Don't leave your shoppers hanging...let them know you are happy to keep their business.


It is easy to get this setup in your WebsiteForge website. 

Step 1.  Go to your member module that is linked to your E-commerce module, and click on the "mailer" link on the left hand side. 
Then Scroll to the bottom of your mailer list and find the "Ecommerce: System messages" campaign and click "topics"


Abandoned Cart Mailer Screenshot 1


Step 2.  Then click "Edit" next to the default topic

Abandoned Cart Mailer Screenshot 2


Step 3.  Change the mailer to reflect the message you want to send your clients (as was done in this example) and be sure you check the "Active" box.  Save when done. (If you are looking for some suggestions or templates for an abandoned cart take a look at these.)

Abandoned Cart Mailer Screenshot 3

 There are some variables listed here for you to use.  These pieces of code will show the user what it was that they left in their cart.  If you have any questions on this please feel free to contact support and anyone there can help you set this up. :)