/;/Site Specific Help/Membership Module How To's/Membership Mass Mailing Feature How To's/How do I send a Mailer?;/Site Specific Help/Membership Module How To's/Membership Mass Mailing Feature How To's

/;/Site Specific Help/Membership Module How To's/Membership Mass Mailing Feature How To's/How do I send a Mailer?;/Site Specific Help/Membership Module How To's/Membership Mass Mailing Feature How To's

Mailer is an important function in maintaining a website as each of us needs to keep sending mails to our customers informing about new features, new products or important announcements.


The send Mailer feature can be used to send Campaign mailers as well as one time mailers. This can be accessed by going to -



The First dropdown lets you choose between the type of Mailer you want to send -




  • Campaign - recurring message like a newsletter with updates



Lets first understand Campaign Mailer -



A campaign is like if you have a recurring themed message you are sending like a newsletter with topic updates weekly or monthly.(or whatever interval you decide to send it)




The title goes in the "Name" field and you can choose the send out frequency and the date its supposed to go out as shown above.


You can then choose the Receipients by clicking and If you want the mailer to go to opted out members as well just check the box -




You can also include members based on their "Status" -




You can format the entire mailer in the "Topic Header" and "Topic Footer" fields.


Here you can see a video of how the mailer function works -






One Time

One Time
You can use the "One Time" Send Out Type for a one time mass mail message that goes out when you click on "Add and send"



One Time Mailer

One time mailer is relatively simple. All you need to do is put in the subject, select the recipients and format the mailer and then you can choose to Add it to the system or Add and Send to send it immediately.




You will notice it will not give you any option to choose date or frequency as it just goes one time. Here is a video explaining how  One time mailer feature works -